Golf-Safety and your foursome. Do you watch out for one another?

Golf-Safety, why write about? Golf can be reasonably safe to play. Although there are times when stray golf balls end up hit other golfers. Saying fore at the top of your lungs does help. Keeping track of your ball, so you know which direction to shout will help.

Being close to the trees, if the course you play has a few will add to the safety.The weather on the other hand can work for or against you weather can help your ball travel a little further. If you have metal spikes on your current golf shoes and you hear thunder taking cover or
even finding other footwear.

  Use caution when you play.

In the US the number of golf cart accidents annually requiring hospital visits was 13,000.00. If you have ever hit someone with a golf ball, just think how those golfers feel in the golf carts.

Getting lazy with your golf swing and grip will cause shots that don't go the way you desire.These shots are the ones which create problems for you and other golfers. Common sense maybe a better way when it comes Golf Safety. What did Moe do?

In the course of play and miss-hit shots end up in the rough or even a group of trees. Be sure when you do find your ball and can hit let your playing partner know.That person is your ride home. When in doubt play the safe shot to the fairway.

Golf-Safety and coming home safe after your

It's great day and every golfer went to the course you're playing. What normally takes 4-1/2 hours to play 18 holes, has become a saga of almost 6 hours. what can you do to keep play moving better, is letting faster players play through.

If that isn't going happen, skip the slow hole if possible. Don't do this all the time when it's slow. If it's tournament, you will have to wait. Slower players have been put on the clock.

Now asking yourself what does slow play have to do with Golf safety? When we are tired and doing activities like Golf, your mind and body don't seem to work well. This can lead to unsafe practices, laziness and mental errors.

The next time you stay-up just a little too late or you know that you're going to be tired the next day please, stay in bed and get some rest.The Golf course and other people on the road will thank you.

 Let the mind and body rest.


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