Haney-Golf-Tips, Hank Haney has taught well over 200 Golf Professionals. Maybe this is because he is so easy to learn from. He tells you what you need to hear about your Golf Swing and how you play Golf. If that is too simple, may be some Golfers are over thinking them selves which makes
it harder for you.
1st hole at Augusta.
Golf-Tips and knowing what is the one thing that holds you back from playing better. Can help move forward to lower scores and more fun. Haney Golf is one place to start. Hank Haney's online school or University comes to by email with weekly lessons and training aids that could help your Golf game. http://hankhaney.com/
Some of his advice can help point you in the direction that may help game. Maybe you need surgery, maybe you need new irons, maybe your Putter isn't the correct length for you. If you haven't been fit with the right clubs to suit your body type and your Golf swing. The Golf ball that you use currently has a compression that is too high for you. Do you need a newer pair of Golf shoes?
Having a teacher like Hank Haney and applying some of his quality Golf Tips and instruction will improve your game. If you subscribe to his on-line University hank@haneyuniversity.com. Receiving emails about the latest Golf-Tips and Training-Aids to help your game. Maybe that surgery will help your Golf Swing as well. Playing when you're in pain
isn't fun golf at all. After physio-therapy and your slowly starting to hit golf balls at the practice range. Go out and start with 9-holes at first use a Golf cart before you're ready to walk the course.
If your golf swing is working for you leave it alone. Although taking a Golf lesson to smooth out the ruff edges wouldn't hurt. As for what type food you need to eat after surgery,more quality Protein. Lean meat,if you're not a meat eater how about trying nuts like Almonds,Walnuts even increasing the amount of beans and vegetables to your diet.
choose more than one type of bean and a selection of vegetables with bright colors.
Any way getting back to Hank Haney Golf-Tips if you have seen any of his Golf Videos or even the Hank Haney Project that was on sometimes ago you can understand that not every golf is the same in the way they need help with their game. Check out Haney-Golf-Tips
online and see for yourself.
Feb 23, 18 05:45 PM
Feb 22, 18 08:15 PM
Feb 19, 16 04:55 PM